Initial Game Plan - Iteration 01

Have you ever wondered how a roller coaster is actually built? Well in fact I did actually ponder on how the tracks are built and how a roller coaster system works. This was because, when I was in Universal studios in Los Angeles, America a couple of years back, there were many different types of roller coasters. In which some of them where really panic stricking and in some roller coaster stations, people do not even know how the roller coaster moves as it is in the dark. The excitement is when the roller coaster is about to drop from a high point. Personally I too felt the excitement when I was at the peak before plunging down. While in the roller coaster, be it me or any other person riding the roller coaster will tend to be jerked off from their seats. This is simply due to the structure.

- Player has to customize his or her roller coaster

- Player has to build his or her own roller coaster track by choosing the fragmented track pieces.

- After completing the track, player has to ride the roller coaster.

- Points are given according to the fragmented track pieces.

- More points will be given according to the high ‘exciting’ causing tracks.

Due to such experience, I personally wanted players to have a feel of how a roller coaster system works. This is not only for those who have hopped on to a roller coaster but for those who have never been a roller coaster before as well. Therefore I decided to create a game that allows players to customise their roller coaster their preference. After which the player would be able to create his or her own track system. This will be done so by choosing fragmented track puzzles. Thus, allowing the player to be creative in creating his or her own track.

Player has the options to choose the roller coaster. There are mainly 6 colours of roller coasters. They are Blue, Black, Red, Green and Pink and Purple. In which the player is able to customize his or her own roller coaster. Then the player has to build his or her roller coaster track. This is done so by choosing the fragmented track puzzles. The player is left to his or her own creativity on how he or she wants the track to be built like. But the player has to do so within the given time. There is no right or wrong method to build the track. But the fragmented track puzzles can be tricky. This is because; they might not lead to a perfect and completed track. The player has to choose his or her fragmented track puzzles wisely. There are different points for different types of tracks. And they will be accumulated.

Upon completion, the player has to click the button which says done. This is to say the player has completed the track within the give time. But if the player fails to complete the track within the given time, the patrons will still board the roller coaster and the roller coaster is auto piloted.


After which, the player gets to ride his or own roller coaster once the patrons have filled the roller coaster. The player will then have to control his or her roller coaster by their through acceleration or deceleration. Both the movements are controlled by the right and left keys on the keyboard. And their scream factor will also determine the points given. The scream is determined by the riskiness of tracks. The wackier the track is, the more screams given off by the patrons of the roller coaster. Thus more points are given to the player.

The setting of building the roller coaster track would be in an amusement theme park. This is to give the player a feeling of he or she is in an amusement theme park. Having such a feeling would definitely excite the player.

- 100 points

-200 points

- 200 points

-200 points

- 200 points

- 400 points

- 700 points