Initial Game Plan - Iteration 02

Free falling, spider web, GIRLS.


Avoid, attack, Defence.

• Girl collecting objects, controlling her by arrow keys (Left Right)

Items would be
• Dresses
• T-shirts
• Heels
• Shoes/boots/sneakers
• Accessories-diamond ring, earring, hat, necklace, etc.
• Umbrellas
• Handbags

Game play

Objective is to collect as many items as you can. Every level has its own point requirement to proceed to the next level. Thus you have to choose wisely which item to collect. There will be a timer, if you are able to collect the points that is required to proceed to the next level before the time runs out, the remaining time will be given to you as points. During your mission in collecting the items, there will be birds dropping their shit down at your player. It won’t be specifically aiming at you, it will drop right down according to where the bird poops, but you have to dodge it fast. If you didn’t manage to dodge it, you will be “freeze” for 3seconds. You won’t be able to move your character, which will prevent you from collecting items. Different items have different points being rewarded to you. You will be given 2 pails at the start of level one. Each pail can only contain 5 items. After each level, you can “upgrade” the capacity of the “containers (pails) to maybe shopping carts, trolleys, luggage by using your points. Other than using the points from the objects, you can use the points that are being rewarded to you from the remaining time. These “containers” assist you in collecting more items, for example, each pail can only contain 5items but a shopping cart can contain 10 items.

Game mechanics

Avoidance- avoids being hit by the birds’ droppings. Fail to dodge; you will lose the given time to capture more items.

Precision- be able to foresee where the items will be dropping and quickly move to the “column” where the item is falling at.

Time pressure- complete collecting the items and hit the point’s requirement before the time runs out.

Capture- collecting as many items as you can.

Movement- moving left and right using arrow keys. This will determine where you want your character to move to.

Action points- collecting items will award you with points.

Risk and rewards- let’s give a situation here, let’s say if a bird’s droppings is dropping down at the “column” where the “high point item” is, you are at a risk whereby you choose to dodge the droppings or get the item. If you choose to catch the item, you will get hit by the droppings. If you don’t, you might just lose your chance in getting the “high point item”.

Goals- to be able to hit the point’s requirement, to proceed to the next level.

Loss – collecting the wrong item (lesser point’s items) might lead you to incompletion of the points


When the objects are falling down from above the sky, this “obstacles” will fly pass and “take away” your objects, preventing you from capturing the items.

Resource management-through the points that is being rewarded to you through the items and the time remaining, you can purchase the shopping carts, baskets, trolleys, luggage etc to maximize the capacity of the containing space.

Additional suggestions

• Perhaps not only birds as obstacles. But, perhaps air planes, missiles, arrows, etc.

• Collection of specific items. For example, each level has a set of specific items that you need to collect and by completing this set; you will be given bonus points.

• There will be “smelly items” falling, if you accidently capture them, you will be given demerit points.

• Different “containers” give you different attributes. For example, a shopping cart can contain 10items, a luggage can contain 5items but it gives you a “speed boost”. This speed boost assists you in moving left and right faster to capture the falling items.

• If you ever capture an umbrella, you can use it and it will prevent you from getting hit by the bird’s droppings. But it can only be used once. Once the umbrella blocked the droppings, the umbrella will disappear.

Challenges faced

• We need to know how long the player will be “froze”. ( is 3seconds sufficient or too much)

• How much is the point’s requirement for each level as this will affect how fast the player can capture the items being given the time limit, is the player able to hit the point’s requirement before the time runs out.

• How fast the items will be falling and the droppings from the birds.

• How do we decide the amount of points for different items and “containers”.

• Will the points that are being used to purchase the “containers” bring down the total amount of points the player had by a lot.

• How often do the obstacles appear(birds)