Meetings, Critique And Comments

FYP Meeting 01

Meeting at one of the classrooms.

Development strategies.

•Define your scope (mindmap)

•Plan your design(core mechanics)( Scenario , goal , reward,obstacles,context) translate your design into actions and assets.

•Produce a working craft

•Analyse critically


Critique And Comments 01

This comments were given by the programme chair of DGD, Mr Edward, during sprint 3

Origami flipping come out with something what Edward mention in game maker.
Something that could coach the players at the same time, on how to fold origami.

FYP Meeting 02


Risk and rewards

Resources management

Time pressure


Movement, time pressure


Fast, attack defense, avoid.

Unconquered land.

Capture or die trying .

Plot of land. Your objective is given 10minutes to build.

Free falling object from the sky. For example . spider build its web and trap the food from the sky.


Probability, gravity , density.
1st player build the web
2nd player avoid the web.


Arts games - How well ur art assets is or how well can u convey a message .

Critique And Comments 02

This comments were given by one of the Facilitator, Jeremy Kang during sprint 04

Have the background of the game as a moving platform and also include the push and pull factor for the dog.

FYP Meeting 03

Fyp clinic

Work schedule.

The scrum cast-director/marketing/publisher/producer.

This team consists of, artistx2, animator, QA, designer, programmerx2

Product backlog, help you to check your progress.

Sprints (interaction) review and planning.

As a team, you can either split your scrum board into based on members or discipline.
Use colors to define each specific roles. This will be easier for identification.
Creating a character, what do you do first? Design the character, concept art. How your character will look in the game. Implement (what can the character do, the actions movements).

Main script programming,art,backstory.

Concept first, then in game. Set your priorities right.

X1.5 your rate given that we are new to scrum.

After your chart is done, you will clearly see what task you are assigned to do.(tasks list)

Create another template, calculate the time spent on one completed task.

Sprint backlog burndown chart – how fast are you completing those task and putting it in the recycling bin(the completed task), making sure that you won’t be repeating the SAME TASK AGAIN.

Anything that need your game to work = top priorities. If I were to stop the task, will be you be able to move on with the game (for e.g. without the character, can you play the game, without the environment, you still can move your characters (action movements).

Microsoft excels to do your sprint backlog chart. – What type of task is it, the plan hours to complete, and assigned to whom.