Second Game Plan And Process


Target Audience and Rationale

Target audience = Females aged 10 and above
Rationale = A game for females who do not play games. And they should have a certain amount of wisdom to understand the rules for playing.

Game Concept

A game that allows player to be a Zoo keeper of a futuristic Zoo where by the animals are futuristic in which an example would be of a snake having legs. In which the animals escape and the Zoo keeper has to chase and catch them to put the animals back in their respective cages

First time changes:
The concept of chasing the animals which escaped from the Zoo was interesting. Yet the player ability was not there. And therefore fun elements were not present. And at the same time, we were not sure of how the player is going to catch the animals other than the fact of using items like ropes and traps.

Second time changes:

After revising the concept, we were still unsure of how the animals should be as we did not want them to be very realistic. We wanted them to be more futuristic. For example snakes have legs and can run instead of gliding. This was to ensure a form of fun element. Therefore we decided to make the character on our own. Next we also wanted to make the player feel as though he or she is chasing after the animals to catch them.

Asset List
• Weapons for catching like ropes and traps, fishnet, bait and tranquilizers.
• Modes of transportation like the helicopter
• Timer
• Score keeper
• Upgrades of newer and additional weapons for catching purposes
• Collection table for each level


A Zoo is a place where most animals are kept and taken care of. Zoo is a place where by visitors come and go just to see the animals. And learn more about them and their distinct characteristics. Thanks to the Zoo keepers, the animals are well taken care of.

Basically everyone has visited the Zoo at least once. We all have memories of how animals are behaving and their distinct characteristics as well. We wanted to incorporate those characteristics of such animals into futuristic elements. This is to create a fun element for players.

Our game is a combination of animals and futuristic elements. This is to give the element of fun to players to the female audience. Players are going to be Zoo keepers and catch animals that have escaped from the Zoo. Players are given options to choose their weapons and baits. This is to let them choose the appropriate items to catch the animals and bring them back to the Zoo. Not only there is a fun element of catching elements but also a learning experience. The learning experience can be gained by the choosing the appropriate items for the catch.